According to TechCrunch, Instagram has confirmed that an app with reposting feature will be launched soon. The Meta-owned company spokesperson stated that the new app will have the ability to reshare posts in Feed similar to how you can share posts in Stories. Additionally, the spokesperson stated that the company would test the feature with a small number of people.Previously, the feature was incorporated by social media and engineering expert Matt Navarra. If the reposts are similar to what he has found then reposts will show up on their own with separate tab on the user’s profile. It will probably be treated as an in-app from the original self-uploaded posts. With an official reposting feature, users will not need third party apps to repost something. That said< most of these third party apps come with full screen ads. So, there’s no denying that people are waiting for an official feature to eliminate the need of downloading third-party apps.Recently< TikTok has added “repost” feature that allows users to reshare videos with their followers>However, they don’t show up on your profile. Instagram’s new repost feature is likely to work similarly. Most reposts that are uploaded using third party apps, copy the image and caption of a post and reupload it on your profile with a watermark. Instagram’s repost feature will be less invasive than these third-party apps. The tests for the feature will begin in a week’s time. Do keep checking our space for more information. We will share the update soon!

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